Industrial Associateship Scheme (IAS)

About IAS

          CUIC has a unique scheme of Industrial Associateship Scheme (IAS) wherein, small, medium, large scale industries, R&D and Educational institutions are enrolled with the main aim to enable them to utilize the various facilities available in the library with a subscription fee of Rs. 10,000/- per calendar year.
Presently, there are 150 Members from Industries, Engineering Colleges , Polytechnics and R & D Institutions. Various interactive Programmes are conducted every year for the benefit of the member-institutions. Programmes for promoting Industry-Institute interactions, Regional Get-togethers of industries, Government-funding agencies, R&D and Educational institutions, etc., are also organised at regular intervals for cross pollination of industrial / academic ideas.

Benefits of Industrial Associateship Scheme (IAS)

  1. The members can avail 3 library tickets. Photocopying of leading journal technical papers can be made and other related facilities shall be extended on a very nominal payment
  2. Twenty five percent concession on registration fee for attending Conferences / Short Term Courses / Continuing Education Programmes conducted by the Anna University, Chennai
  3. Members will get preference in inviting the faclity of Anna University Chennai for any specific lecture / technical talk in their organization
  4. General and technical information available in the CUIC will be provided to the members and the exchange of information shall be both ways
  5. Priority will be given by the University in taking up student projects and industrial training in areas identified by the member industries with their cooperation and financial support
  6. Industry members can avail of / may provide video films / information materials on products manufacturing techniques etc
  7. Annual Publication, calendar, directory, brochures etc., will be sent exclusively to the members